Lisa Watts Natkin, PhD is the IBH-PC project's new Post-Doctoral Research Fellow coordinating the collection, analysis, and management of qualitative data. She will help plan and conduct site visits and interviews, review project documents, code qualitative data, conduct thematic analyses, and support manuscript preparation. Recently, Lisa completed her PhD in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies at the University of Vermont (UVM). Her dissertation research explored student learning and teaching practices related to UVM’s new sustainability general education requirement. Findings are published in a peer-reviewed article. During her master’s degree, she helped to evaluate a program designed to motivate Brookfield Zoo members to participate in conservation behavior. The Teton Science Schools hired her to evaluate the effectiveness of their graduate program. During her doctoral program, Lisa evaluated the Sustainability Faculty Fellows (SFF) program, which seeks to develop a learning community among a multidisciplinary faculty cohort. Evaluation findings were published in two peer-reviewed journal articles. For the past two years, Lisa has been an evaluator working with Evergreen Evaluation & Consulting, Inc. She supported several U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Program grant funded programs. She assisted clients with instrumentation development, conducting interviews, collecting data, analyzing data, and writing reports. Lisa lives in Hinesburg with her husband, 3-year-old son, and dog.

We are really excited to have her on the team!
- Ben Littenberg
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